Hair journey

So I decided to go on a hair journey, to see if I could also grow my hair as other ladies are doing. This was after I chanced upon Jen of  I literally drooled over her hair.

Same day, 2 hours later, I was all over the internet, gaping and gawking. Almost every day, I just took time to search for black girls with longer healthier hairs. I’m so glad I did.

Then, I had just about a shoulder length of hair. First hair product I bought was T444Z from Star of after I had gone through maybe the beginning to end of her hair journey then.

So, I decided to increase the periods between relaxer days. Luckily I was relaxing beyond 5 weeks, but what kept my hair at that same state was I guess the frequent trimmings and cuttings and chemical overlapping and the stuffs they use to wash hair in the salons. Bad!!! Bad!!!! Bad!!!

In this part of the world if you try correcting a so called expert of a profession, you are bound to get some looks and if possible some insults and worst of all, the opposite of what you wanted done , just to spite you. I decided to be in charge whenever I went to the salon.

Now what I do is just go for roller setting where I stay since I haven’t mastered that art yet. With relaxing I travel to Accra from Koforidua, that’s quite a distance, an hour and thirty minutes journey, if there are no hiccups on the road cos she listens to me and does what I want.

Now ……

After about a year of taking care of my hair I can say I’m on track. Unfortunately I've lost most of my pictures so cant post before images……

But here is my after … 
a few days after relaxing


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