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Happy weekend, everyone!!!!  So , I have something something for you to just enjoy. Each day is a beautiful day. So much more beautiful when I see you smile. And then I hear your voice, And then I hear your laughter, And then I wish the day will last so long night will never come, And then I wish that night will last so long, day will never come So I can be with you. For love’s sake. For the sake of love. And then I go about my day And steal moments just for you, Just for your thoughts. So I can be with you, Even though you are far away. So I can have more memories, So I can miss you more. For love’s sake For the sake of love. And then we get to this point We pretend time stopped for us, We take out time to say the best Because we kept the best for times like this. Times like this when we wished clocks would just stop, Stop for a few extra minutes for love. For love’s sake For the sake of love. And when we fin...

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